Jamie Cook Among America's Most Honored Professionals
on 4/12/2016
Press Releases
Jamie Cook has been selected to the 2016 America's Most Honored Professionals list. A Most Honored Professional is part of the top ten, top five, or even top one percent of the most recognized professionals in America. An achievement such as this is considered by American Registry to be one of the most dignified of any individual recognition. Qualification is determined on a five year basis. An honoree must have been continuously recognized for professional excellence throughout the last 5 years.
American Registry is expert in business recognition evaluation. To ensure the highest quality and legitimacy, we waited ten years to establish this, our first official award. It is unique among any other award. Like all professionals included in American Registry’s comprehensive database, these honorees have received significant mentions in the press, honors by recognized trade groups, and/or acclaimed recognitions by peers or clients. What makes these Most Honored Professionals stand out from the rest is their repeated and continuous acknowledgement of authenticated, publicized business recognitions.
- awards & accolades
- james cook